[공고문 바로 가기 클릭]
2019년 해외우수신진연구자유치사업(KRF) 영문 사업 안내서 및 신청서 안내
한국연구재단은 2019년 해외우수신진연구자유치사업(KRF) 신규 공고와 관련하여 영문 안내서 및 사업신청서를 안내하여 드립니다.
※ 본 서식은 해외신진연구자를 위한 참고자료 입니다(해외신진연구자 직접작성 부분 참고용이며, 국내연구책임자가 사업을 신청하는 것이며, 한글(hwp) 신청서 양식을 사용해야 함을 인지하여 주시기 바랍니다.
This guideline has been translated from original Korean documents with regards to Korean research. Therefore, this translation has focused on providing the main contents and points to overseas researchers for better understanding and subject to change without prior notice. In the event of any discrepancy between the Korean original and this English translation, the Korean original shall prevail. We assume no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other form of damage arising from the translation.
The attachments in English are just for reference purposes only. The actual application form needs to be submitted on ERND by your PI in hwp file, not word.
*attachments: (No_1-1) (Type 1) Korea Research Fellowship(KRF)_19 1st call Application Form(English)
(No_1-2) (Type 2) Korea Research Fellowship(KRF)_19 1st call Application Form(English)
Korea Research Fellowship(KRF)__19 1st Call for Proposal_Guide(English)